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Riverdale ‘Quad Relationship’ Meaning & Season 7 Finale Ending Explained

Here is the Riverdale season 7 finale ending explained. For those wondering about the “quad relationship” between Betty, Veronica, Jughead, and Archie, as well as the mysterious typewriter, here’s everything you need to know.

Riverdale’s “quad relationship” and who ended up with who

Riverdale’s quad relationship means that Betty, Veronica, Jughead, and Archie were all romantically involved with one another. It was a polyamorous relationship.

For fans hoping that Betty and Jughead would end up together, well they sort of did. However, Archie and Veronica were also involved!

Speaking to Reggie, Betty explains that the group of four initially went on double dates, with her paired with Archie, and Jughead paired with Veronica. However, it “naturally evolved from there.”

Betty confirms that she’s been in a relationship with all three of the others and that they have also been sleeping with each other.

Is Pop’s Diner Betty’s Sweet Hereafter?

Yes, it seems like Pop’s Diner is indeed Betty’s Sweet Hereafter.

Defined as the most peaceful and happy moment in a person’s life, one that they can lose themselves in and be truly at peace, Pop’s Diner makes for the perfect Sweet Hereafter for Betty, but also many of the other Riverdale characters.

The omniscient version of Jughead comments on how Riverdale is also the home of the audience and a place to come and visit. This could be a meta-reference to the show, which fans can rewatch.

What were the typewriter sounds at the end of Riverdale?

The typewriter sounds at the end of the Riverdale finale were no doubt from Jughead’s typewriter.

As for what the typewriter sounds mean, it’s up to the viewer to decide. One interpretation is that Jughead was behind the whole show, conceiving all of the events and typing the seven seasons on his typewriter.

For more entertainment content, here is a rundown of David Harbour’s best acting performances. Also, here are all DCEU movies ranked (including Blue Beetle).

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