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Angus MacLane and Galyn Susman talk Pixar’s latest animated epic


Disney and Pixar‘s latest animated feature, Lightyear, will soon take Toy Story fans to infinity and beyond by exploring the origin of one of the franchise’s flagship characters, Buzz Lightyear. Presented as the film that made Andy fall in love with the courageous Space Ranger from the planet Morph, Lightyear pays homage to some of the most influential films in the science fiction genre. At the same time, it establishes a unique look and vibe for the animation studio’s time-honored library of groundbreaking cinema. 

Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Angus MacLane and Galyn Susman, the director/screenwriter, and producer of Lightyear, respectively. While in their company, we discussed exploring one of Pixar’s legacy characters and the trials and tribulations of the film’s extensive production process. For all of you cat people out there, we investigate the origin of Sox, Buzz’s robotic feline companion in the new film. We also talk about the possibility of future Pixar projects, valuable lessons learned during the making of the film, and how the Toy Story brand has evolved throughout the years.

Having seen a considerable portion of the film myself, I’m pleased to say that what I’d experienced was engaging, emotional, and visually compelling. Lightyear feels considerably different from other films in Pixar’s library, and I suspect fans of Buzz Lightyear will be thrilled by what MacLane, Susman, and their talented team have created with this new film. Check out the interview for more, and please, enjoy yourselves.


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