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The Impact of Violence and Safety in Professional Hockey.



Violence has been an integral part of professional hockey since its inception. In the early days, players had no helmets, and sticks were made of wood. The game was rough, and fights were not uncommon. However, as the game evolved, so did the rules. Protective equipment was introduced, and fighting was outlawed. Nevertheless, violence still remains a controversial issue in professional hockey. This essay aims to explore the impact of violence and safety in professional hockey.

The Impact of Violence:

The main impact of violence in professional hockey is physical injuries. Players who engage in violent behavior such as fighting are at high risk of sustaining injuries. Hockey players are susceptible to various injuries such as concussions, broken bones, facial injuries, and spine injuries, among others. These injuries not only affect the players’ careers but also their lives after hockey. Some injuries may leave players permanently disabled, affecting them for the rest of their lives. These injuries also impact the league as a whole. The absence of key players due to injuries may affect a team’s performance and spectator attendance.

Another impact of violence in professional hockey is emotional distress. The NHL has recorded many instances of severe injuries resulting from violent behavior, which can be traumatizing to both the victim and the aggressor. These incidents may lead to depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The emotional distress resulting from violent behavior is not only limited to the players but also the fans who witness these incidents.

Furthermore, violence in professional hockey can impact the culture of the sport. Historically, fighting was part of the game. However, the NHL has discouraged fighting by imposing penalties and fines. The league has made significant strides in transforming the sport into a more family-friendly and safer game. However, some fans argue that the elimination of fighting from hockey is taking away its competitive and entertaining nature.

The Impact of Safety Measures:

The NHL has taken several safety measures to eliminate or reduce the impact of violence in professional hockey. One of the most significant measures is the introduction of protective equipment. Players now wear helmets, face shields, mouthguards, and pads to protect them from injuries. The NHL has also regulated the use of sticks to reduce the likelihood of injuries. The players are required to use composite sticks that are designed to break when under too much pressure, reducing the risk of being hit by a broken stick.

Another safety measure is strict penalties for violent behavior. The NHL has imposed significant penalties on players who engage in violent behavior such as fighting. Players who are caught fighting receive a five-minute major penalty and a game misconduct. The league also imposes fines and suspensions on players who engage in violent behavior.

Furthermore, the NHL has taken safety measures to prevent concussions, one of the most common injuries in hockey. The league has introduced concussion spotters, independent medical professionals who are present during games to observe players for signs of concussions. The NHL has also made several changes to the game’s rules to prevent concussions, such as penalizing hits to the head.

The Impact of Safety Measures on the Culture of the Sport:

The implementation of safety measures has had a significant impact on the culture of professional hockey. The introduction of protective equipment has made the game safer, reducing the number of injuries sustained by players. However, some fans argue that the protective gear has made the game less exciting and competitive.

The strict penalties for violent behavior have also impacted the game’s culture. Fighting is no longer an accepted part of the game, and players are discouraged from engaging in violent behavior. However, some fans argue that fighting is essential in the sport, as it often serves as a way for players to protect their teammates or to settle disputes.

Moreover, the changes made to prevent concussions have also impacted the game’s culture. Hits to the head are now penalized, and players who show signs of concussions are no longer permitted to play. The changes have made the game safer, but some fans argue that it has made the game less physical.


In conclusion, violence in professional hockey has had a significant impact on the players and the league. The physical and emotional injuries resulting from violent behavior have affected players’ careers and lives off the ice. Furthermore, the culture of the sport has been impacted by the elimination of fighting and the implementation of safety measures. While the implementation of these measures has made the sport safer, it has also sparked debates among fans about the impact of the changes on the game’s competitiveness and entertainment value. Ultimately, the NHL’s aim is to provide a safe and enjoyable game for the players and fans while preserving the integrity of the sport.

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